Operation & Maintenance (O&M)

After a project is financed, developed and commissioned, the next phase is the operations and maintenance of the project. Operations and maintenance (O&M) activities account for about 25% of the total lifetime cost of the project. Health, Safety and Environmental requirements as well as considerations are the top priorities for O&M; after that, it is determined by the economic factors of the project. Minimizing expenses on one hand and maximizing revenue on the other, we believe strong and rigorous O&M strategy begins at the concept stage. Demaco Investment Group provides support and engages with reputable O&M companies that are capable of managing all aspects of the project’s Operations and Maintenance phase.

O&M Services include:

  • Assist project sponsors in developing comprehensive O&M Strategies for new or existing infrastructure.
  • Operations Management.
  • Daily operation and routine maintenance.
  • O&M Staffing & Training.
  • Computerized Maintenance Management Systems (CMMS).
  • Equipment inspection programs, daily, monthly, annual and overhaul.
  • Site documentation.
  • Reliability Testing for enhancements.
  • On-going reviews and improvement processes.
  • Engineering & Technical Support.
  • Detailed O&M Reports.
  • Health, Safety & Environmental Procedures.